The League of Extraordinarily Funny Women: 50 Ladies Who Used Comedy to Change the World by Sheila Moeschen

The League of Extraordinarily Funny Women.png

Rating: ★★★★

Genre: Anthology

Synopsis: Comedy is not an exclusively male thing, and these women prove it.  From Mae Williams and Lucille Ball all the way to Mindy Kaling and Rachel Bloom, women of all eras, ages, and identities have weaved their way into the world of humor.

Review: This was such a beautiful, well designed book.  Aesthetically, it’s wonderful.  Content-wise, it’s amazing!  This is the first one of these books where I’ve recognized more than half of those highlighted, and I was so delighted to learn more about some of my favorite ladies!

One of the best things about this anthology is that Moeschen focuses on all sorts of ladies, all sorts of comedies, and all sorts of identities.  There are lesbians, people of color, older ladies, younger ladies, stand up comedians, show writers, actors, and so on and so forth.  It’s a wonderful collection that celebrates and educates at the same time, which is exactly what I’m all about!

The short biographies are paired with an illustration of the lady in question as well as a quotation.  This makes it perfect for both sitting down and reading as well as browsing.  Overall, this is a really great book and would make a perfect gift for your funny lady friend.